用同一种发动机在不同模拟状态下 ,采用技改措施及加热器的火焰筒不同个数进行了试验 ,获得了模拟温度、气源压力与时间的关系。设备的总压恢复系数为 0 67;加热系统的总效率为 0 4 1~ 0 5 5。与另一高空台使用同一间接加热系统的总效率 (约为 0 62 )相比有所不同。分析了原因 ,并指出了解决问题的途径。
Experiments were conducted to study the heat transfer characteristics and the total efficiency of the indirect air heating system of a simulated altitude test facility with the engine testing. Simulation test results show that simulated temperature vs time and the air supply pressure vs time were obtained with the engine in the simulated altitude test facility and under different simulated conditions and multiple flame liners of the heater, and by means of the technical measure. Simulation test results show that total pressure recovery factor for the simulated altitude test facility is 0.67, the total efficiency of the indirect air heating system is from 0.41 to 0.55, but it is about 0.62 for another simulated altitude test facility. Reason analysis and measure of resolve problems were presented.
Journal of Propulsion Technology