介绍了测压铜柱准动态校准压力表的编表方法 ,分析了编表误差 .利用落锤液压动标装置进行了某批次 Φ3 .5× 8.75铜柱变压力脉宽的校准实验 ,利用回归技术建立了以压力及脉宽为变量 ,铜柱变形量为因变量的经验模型 ,以此模型为基础探讨了被测压力脉宽变化时查表误差的变化规律及其脉宽适用范围 .
The means of working out the table of quasi-dynamic calibration of copper cylinders is presented. The error on working out the table with quasi-dynamic calibration is also analyzed. The calibration experiment of some copper cylinders has been done on the dropper-hammer dynamic pressure calibration device by means of changing calibration pressure's pulse-width. According to the data acquired from the calibration, the relation model of cylinder's deformation to maximum pressure and pressure pulse-width is made by means of regression analysis. Based on this model, the variation law of error caused by pressure pulse-width on checking the table of pressure-measuring copper cylinders is discussed. The application scope of this model is also discussed.
Journal of Ballistics