目的 从与痛觉联系紧密的心理因素和单胺类神经递质方面对灼口综合征患者进行测定和分析。方法 灼口综合征 (BMS)组选择初诊患者 30例 ,其中男性 4例 ,女性 2 6例。对照组为 30例年龄、性别相似的健康人。采用艾森克个性问卷量表 (EPQ)对受试者进行个性测定 ,并将 L 值 (谎言值 ) >5 0分者排除。采用修订的临床症状自评量表 (SCL- 90 )检测受试者的情绪状况。在晨 9时平和状态下抽空腹静脉血 2 ml,用高效液相色谱 -电化学检测法测定血浆中肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素浓度。结果 BMS组 P值 (精神质 )、N值 (神经质 )分高于对照组(P<0 .0 5 ) ,E值 (内外相 )低于对照组 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,两组间个性类型分布具有显著性差异 (P<0 .0 5 )。BMS组以内向不稳定型为主 ,对照组以外向稳定型为主。BMS组有强迫、忧郁、人际关系敏感度、焦虑等 9个因子分值高于对照组(P<0 .0 5 ) ,存在明显的情绪障碍。BMS女性患者血浆去甲肾上腺素水平高于对照组 (P<0 .0 1)。结论 BMS患者的个性特征提高了机体对各种不良刺激的反应性 ,明显的情绪障碍可导致中枢神经系统和交感神经功能的失调 ,这可能与 BMS的发生有内在的联系。
Objective Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a chronic ache disease, usually occurring in middle aged and old women. This study sought to understand the psychopathologic aspect and monoamines neurotransmitters in the plasma of the patients with BMS. Methods Thirty cases were selected (26 females, 4 males); 30 normal control subjects were similar to the BMS cases on age and sex. All subjects were required to complete the Eysenck personality questionnaire (EPQ), and the Self report Symptom Inventory, Symptom Check List 90 (SCL 90) questionnaire. In case a subject's L (lie) score exceeded 50, she (he) would be removed from the test. 2 ml of blood was drawn from the subject under restine conditions with a fast in the morning to examine norepinephrine and epinephrine contents by high efficient liquid chromatography. Chi square test, analysis of variance and t′ test were performed. Results The BMS group had higher scores of nervousness (N) and poikilergasia (P) and lower score of extro/introversion (E) as compared with the control ( P <0.05). The personality types in BMS group were focused on introversion and instability, but in the control group the types were focused on extroversion and stability ( P <0.05). The scores of 9 emotional factors of BMS group were significantly higher than those of the control group ( P <0.05), which indicated that the BMS patients had suffered from serial psychic disorders. The level of plasma norepinephrine in the BMS patients was higher than that of the control ( P <0.01). Conclusion the personality of BMS patients raised body response to harmful stimulations, and obvious psychic disorders in the patient may cause the functional disorders in central and sympathetic nervous systems, which may be associated with BMS' occurrence.
Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences