
某型超低空无人机设计特点与关键技术分析 被引量:1

Analysis on Design Characteristic and Key Techniques of a Certain Type of Super-Low Altitude Pilotless Aircraft
摘要 本文着重论述某型超低空无人机的设计特点和主要的关键技术问题。文中首先分析了超低空飞行的环境条件,诸如飞行动压增加,大气紊流加剧,无线电跟踪和测,控、定位困难,电子没备易受干扰等。接着对原型机的不同修形方案在不同高度H,飞行马氏数M下,进行了大气紊流动态响应分析计算。在此基础上,为了寻求缓和过渡过程,改善飞行品质,提高飞行精度,保证飞行安全,确保战术技术指标和要求的技术方案和措施,进行了气动布局选择,飞行轨道设计与计算,飞控系统设计及其参数选取,结构分析与设计,以及试验与试飞等方面的研究工作。科研试飞和定型试飞证明本文所论问题,方案合理,原理正确,措施得当。 This paper mainly expounds the design characteristics and key techniques of a certain type of super-low altitude pilotless aircraft. First, we have analyzed the environmental conditions of the super-low altitude flight, such as increasing dynamic pressure, aggravating atmospheric turbulence, difficulty in radar tracking and interfering in telemeter/remote control/location etc. Secondly, we have analyzed and calculated the dynamic response of atmospheric turbulence for the different modified program of prototype at different M and H. On the basis of these, in order to decide what measures are adopted to relax transition process, alleviate gust response, improve flight quality, enhance precision of flight, avoid touching ground and ensure safety, thus guarantee the tactical-technical requirements and norms, we have chiefly completed the selection of the aerodynamic layout, the design and calculation of the flight path, the design of the flight control system and the choosing of parameters, structural analysis and design, comprehensive test demonstration, etc. Scientific research on flight test demonstration and the finalized design flight appraisal for this pilotless aircraft have been successfully completed. The aircraft is put into service. It shows that the analysis made in this paper is correct in theory, reasonable in scheme and suitable in measures
作者 徐正荣
出处 《南京航空学院学报》 CSCD 1991年第3期69-78,共10页
关键词 无人驾驶飞机 飞行品质 大气紊流 pilotless aircraft, flight qualities, design proposals, atmospheric turbulence, super-low altitude flight, flight control systems
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