在既定的体制下 ,企业制售假冒伪劣产品 ,实际上是在预期收益和可能受到的政府处罚、当前利益与长远利益之间进行博弈的过程。分析这一博弈过程 ,掌握其中的规律性 ,有利于市场管理部门制定切实有效的措施 ,以制止这一严重损害消费者权益、扰乱市场秩序的行为。
In a given system,it is actually a game for an enterprise to make and sell false and bad products,which is related to expected revenue and penality of government,short profit and long profit.It is beneficial to analyse the game for market management department to make efficacious measures in order to get rid of the conduct which harms the consumer's rights and profits and disrupts the market.
Journal of Tianjin University of Commerce