韩国财阀企业纷纷解体、倒闭、改组的事实充分证明 :由于国际、国内经济环境的变化 ,有政府背景的 ,尤其是跨行业、多元化经营的大企业集团已经失去了国际竞争力。为此特别建议 :尽可能减少企业集团形成中的政府行为 ;只能发展主营业务和核心竞争力突出的、专业化的企业集团。
The fact that Korea's tycoon enterprises are disorganized,closed and reorganized one after another has fully proved that:due to the change of economic circumstances at home and abroad,large enterprise groups with the background of governments have lost his international power,especially inter-trade and multiple-unit running large enterprise groups.This article suggests that:government act be reduced as far as possible in the forming process of enterprise groups.and specialized enterprise groups with mainly-running business and competitive force be developed.
Journal of Tianjin University of Commerce
国家青年基金项目"韩国财阀神话的破灭"( 99CJKL 0 0 6 )