近年来我国农民收入增幅持续下降的深层原因 ,在于剩余农业劳动力转移严重受阻。而我国剩余农业劳动力转移的艰巨性 ,在相当程度上又是和我国所选择的超前工业化发展战略 ,以及与其相互依存的城乡二元经济社会结构联结在一起的。要有效地解决我国剩余农业劳动力的转移 ,就必须遵循社会经济发展的一般规律性 ,最大限度地发挥市场化、工业化和城市化对剩余农业劳动力转移的推动作用。
The continuous decrease in the increase rate of farmers' income in China these years results from the fact that the transference of surplus agricultural labour force has been severely blocked,while the arduousness in transfering this labour force is ,to a great extent,related to the lead industrilization strategy we have adopted and its relevant bi-structure of social economy,the urban economy and rural economy.To solve this problem effectively,the general laws of socio-economic development should be followed to maximize the motive effects of marketing,industrialization and urbanization on the transference of surplus agricultural labour force.
Journal of Zhuzhou Institute of Technology