财产稀少性要求财产必须有效使用。计划机制与市场机制配置财产 ,公平与效率各不相同。我国的财产制度变革最终选择了能够实现排他性所有权的制度安排 ,运用市场机制配置财产。但是由于观念上的障碍 ,财产关系的变革受到一定的影响。只有将稀少性的概念引入传统的价值理论 ,才能从理论上讲清楚制度创新既有合法性又有合理性。
Property scarcity requires that property be used effectively.Because plan mechanism allocates property differently from market mechanism in justice and efficiency,our country's property institutional transformation is selected to follow market mechanism which can realize exclusional possession.However,the property transformation is hinderd by conservative ideas.Only by introducing the concept of scarcity into traditional theory of value can we make clear the theoretical legitimacy and reasonability of this creative institution.
Journal of Zhuzhou Institute of Technology