金融服务贸易自由化有力地促进了国际贸易的发展 ,并使金融服务贸易日益成为国际贸易的最重要内容 ;金融服务贸易自由化扩大了各国调节国际收支均衡的手段和渠道 ,从而对国际收支的均衡起着非常积极的影响。但金融服务贸易自由化也会对各国特别是发展中国家的国际收支均衡带来不利的影响和冲击 ,它会加剧发展中国家金融服务贸易收支和经常项目收支的失衡 ,并增加发展中国家对外部融资的依赖 ,增加国际游资对其国际收支均衡的不利冲击。因此 ,发展中国家切不可盲目推进金融服务贸易自由化。
Finacial service trade liberalization has greatly promoted the development of international trade,and widened the methods and channels of the adjustment of balance of payment for each country,which positively influences the equilibrium of balance of payment.But financial service trade liberlization will also bring negative effect on the equilibrium of balance of payment to every country,especially to the developing countries.It will make revenue and expenditure of international trade and current account off balance for the developing countries and make the developing countries more and more dependent on foreign financing which accordingly increases the negative effects on their balance of payment.Therefore the developing countries cannot blindly carry forward financial service trade liberalization.
Journal of Zhuzhou Institute of Technology