有效的政策安排对住宅产业进行技术创新具有重要的激励作用 ,在我国当前住宅产业科技化水平不高的情况下 ,更应该强化政府政策安排对技术创新的导向和支持。在对强化住宅产业技术创新激励政策的必要性进行分析的基础上 ,提出了推动住宅产业技术创新的政策建议。
An effective policy arrangement can provide resident enterprises with important incentives for technological innovation.On the basis of an explanation of resident estate's teachnological innovation,this paper examines the policies in China to stimulate resident estate's technological innovation,and constructs an effective policy system to provide resident enterprises with incentives for technological innovation.
Journal of Zhuzhou Institute of Technology