审美张力是一种“不动之动”的虚力 ,具力的意味 ,而不一定是实际的力。它体现为审美主体与审美客体之间的物理力与心理力的双向反馈 ,因两种力的结构相同而让审美主体产生美感。审美张力包含有力的遮蔽与开显 ,为力的圆融状态。它广泛体现在情感与理性、实用与超脱、现实与理想、朦胧与清晰、有限与无限、美与丑等多种关系上 ,使审美具有无穷的魅力。审美张力从本质上看是一种生命力。
Aesthetic Tension is a kind of force with somewhat'motionless movement',which reflects two-way feedback between the natural power of the aesthetic object and the psychological power of the aesthetic subject.And both of them have the same structures, therefore the sense of beauty arises from the aesthetic subject.In fact,Aesthetic Tension represents the flexibility of forces,which comprises multi-relations:emotionalism and rationalism ,materialism and unconventionality,reality and idealism,ambiguity and clarity,limitedness and dislimitedness,beauty and ugliness as well.It is these natures that make aesthetic activities irresistibly charming.In conclusion,Aesthetic Tension is in essence a strong life-force.
Journal of Zhuzhou Institute of Technology