介绍SANKENMF - 15K - 380型变频器在线材卷线机的应用及该型变频器在应用中的工艺要求 (适应轧辊直径大、小变化 :2 85mm~2 70mm ;轧制线速度变化 :9.4 5 9~ 8.95 4m/s)、系统配置 (电机、变频器及相应电器元件配置 )、控制原理等 .在 1997年改造前 ,线材卷线机每月平均换辊 3次 ,每次换辊后由于拉断钢影响生产 15min ,每月影响生产时间 4 5min ;改造后 ,线材卷线机没有出现因换辊后而造成拉断钢的故障 .该系统在 1997年投入运行以来 。
SANKEN MF-15K-380 transducer has been applied to the rod winder. This article introduces the technical requirement (adapted to the change of the roll diameter from 285 mm to 270 mm and the change of the mill speed from 9.459 m/s to 8.954 m/s), system configuration (the configuration of the electric motor to winder, transducer and the interrelated electric element) and control principle of the transducer in application. The rod of the rod winder must be changed by an average of 3 times a month and the production was affected for 15 minutes each time because of the steel rod being ruptured before modification in 1997. Since the system started running in 1997, it had been stayed stability and had no trouble like pulling the rod rupture in production.
Southern Metals