连平县泥竹塘铁矿根据露天采场的条件和工程需要 ,改传统的矿坑抽排水为地下井窿排水 ,更有利于露天采场地下水位的降低和深凹采矿工作面的疏干 。
According to the condition at open_working area and the engineering requirement at Ni Zu Tang Mine of Lian Ping county, it is more beneficial to the low of the underground water level at the open-working area and the dewater of the working area at the deep pit mine for the change of the traditional pump and drainage at the deep pit mine working area into drainage of the underground well_point. The total amount of the cost used in foundation consumption and the operation has been reduced greatly compared with the cost for the traditional pump and drainage after the above modification.
Southern Metals