基于混沌吸引子中的轨道各态遍历性 ,采用最优控制快速引导系统轨道进入目标轨道邻域 ,再在目标轨道邻域里启动离散 L QR最优控制 ,把系统快速地稳定控制在目标轨道 .并考虑了混沌动力系统处于噪声干扰的情况下 ,增加一反馈控制以抑制噪声 .通过对 Hénon等典型混沌运动的控制仿真表明 ,该方法简单可行 ,控制效果较好 。
Due to ergotic property of orbits in the chaotic attractors, a optimal control is introduced to direct an orbit of the discrete time chaotic dynamical system towards a pre specified neighbourhood of the target, while an additional feedback correction to encounter noise. After entering the neighbourhood in which the local controller is effective, a controller made from the method of the discrete LQR Method is used to quickly stabilize the orbit in the system. By the numerical simulation of controlling a typical chaotic dynamical system-Hénon Map, the method recommended in the article is proved simple and effective so that the controlled system perform strong robustness.
Information and Control
国家自然科学基金资助项目 19872 0 44