研究眼球后占位性病变的CT与超声检查法(USG)表现并与超声引导下穿刺结果对照,探索提高球后占位性病变的正确诊断率。方法 收集45例同一时期内具有眼眶CT和USG检查、穿刺结果者,并对两者进行对照分析。结果 与病理结果对照,球后脓肿、黏液囊肿两者诊断率相似;骨化纤维瘤、颅咽管瘤、纤维增生、软骨肉瘤、沟通性脑膜瘤及恶性肿瘤CT诊断正确率高于USG,血管瘤、神经纤维瘤USG正确诊断率高于CT。结论 USG可从各个方位了解病变形状、内回声、透声性及可压缩性,易穿刺活检,有助于病变的定性;CT可了解病变的大小、形状和病变与邻近解剖结构的关系,两者互补可更全面诊断病变。
Objective To compare diagnostic value of CT and ultrasonography(USG) for post bulbous occupancy diseases. Methods 45 cases with post bulbous occupancy diseases were examined by both CT and USG at same period and were verified by pathologic examination. Results Diagnostic rates of CT were higher than that of USG in osteofibroma, craniopharyioma fibrosis and communion meningioma etc when their appearances were compared. The diagnostic rate of USG was higher than that of CT in angioma and neurinoma. But the diagnostic rates of both CT and USG were identical in post bulbous abscess to mucocele. Conclusion USG might identify shape,texture and echo of lesions. CT might show the size,shape and anatomtic relation between lesion and its neighbor tissue. The combination of CT and USG may be more reliable in diagnosing post bulbous occupancy lesions.
Chinese Ophthalmic Research