Recent Developments in Science & Technology Abroad
1Michels P, Gravenstein D, Weatenskow DR. An integrated graphic display improves detection and identification of critical events during anesthesia. J Clin Monit, 1997, 13: 249-259.
2Philip JH. GAS MAN-an example of goal oriented computer-assisted teaching which results in learning. Int J Clin Monit Comput, 1986,69:387-394.
3Byrne AJ, Greaves .JD. Assessment instruments used during anaesthetic simulation: Review of published studies. BrJ Anaesth,2001,86:445-450.
4Ohrn MA, Van Oostrom JH, Van Meurs WL. A comparison of traditional textbook and interactive computer learning of neuromuscular block. Anesth Analg, 1997,84:657-661.
5Schwid HA, O'Donnell D. The Anesthesia Simulator Consultant: simulation plus expert system. Anesth Rev, 1993,20:185-189.
6Buck Gh. Development of simulators in medical education. Gesnerus,1991, 48 pt1: 7-28.
7Gaba DM. Simulator training in anesthesia growing rapidly: CAE model born at Stanford. J Clin Monit, 1996, 12: 195-198.
8Eulino TY, Good ML Simulator training in anesthesia growing rapidly:Loral model born in Florida. J Clin Monit, 1997, 13: 53-57.
9Burt DE. Virtual reality in anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth, 1995, 75 (4):472-480.
10Rowe R, Cohen RA. An Evaluation of a Vitual Reality Airway Simulator. Anesth Analg, 2002, 95: 62-66.
1徐德军,吴嘉宾,张利萍.模拟教学在麻醉学科中的应用[J].国外医学(麻醉学与复苏分册),2004,25(5):257-259. 被引量:41
1孙长怡,秦俭,王征,卫文栋,王长远,鲍银月,张丽敏,贾建国.生理驱动高仿真模拟培训技术在国内急诊医学领域应用初探[J].中国急救医学,2005,25(9):682-684. 被引量:92
2秦俭.高仿真模拟技术在急诊医学培训中的应用[J].继续医学教育,2006,20(24):52-56. 被引量:10
3黄焕森,朱卓丽,郑志远,高崇荣.模拟教学在麻醉学专业临床技能训练教学的探讨[J].中国高等医学教育,2006(7):25-26. 被引量:23
4钱嵘,潘曙明,董利军.模拟培训技术在急诊医学中的应用[J].中华急诊医学杂志,2006,15(11):1053-1054. 被引量:11
5唐红梅,鲁威,张美娇,姜叙诚.临床教学实训中心的构建和应用[J].解放军医院管理杂志,2006,13(8):684-685. 被引量:1
6孙长怡,秦俭,王征,卫文栋,王长远,鲍银月,张丽敏,贾建国.生理驱动高仿真模拟培训技术在国内急诊医学领域应用初探[J].中国医院,2007,11(5):74-76. 被引量:21
7谭菁瑜,梁丽霞,欧阳葆怡,余革,董庆龙,杨汉宇.麻醉药理学见习课模拟教学方式的探讨[J].西北医学教育,2007,15(6):1166-1167. 被引量:3
8王贤裕,秦成名,李清,刘菊英.麻醉学模拟实验室的规划及建设[J].中国高等医学教育,2008(1):61-62. 被引量:3
9刘建琴.麻醉专业本科生专业实习教学实践与探索[J].齐齐哈尔医学院学报,2007,28(22):2747-2749. 被引量:1
10徐激斌,王志农,冯翔,刘冰,曹依群,朱晓东,肖仕初,李钢.应用ECS综合模拟人进行胸部外伤急救教学初探[J].中国高等医学教育,2008(4):85-86. 被引量:9