本文探讨了徽商的兴起和发展的多方面的原因。客观上 ,农业资源的局限和人口的大量内迁所导致的生存压力使徽商不得不走向经商的道路 ,同时 ,徽州地域水利和山林资源的便利也为徽州人走向商业之途提供了可能 ,在儒学气氛的熏陶下和儒学传统开始走向松动和式微、新的思想破土而出的社会环境里 ,徽商巧妙地利用和整合了传统文化资源和新的文化资源 ,为商业发展提供了有力的支撑。
This paper deals with the rise and development of businessmen in Huizhou. In fact, it was the absence of agricultural resources and the increase of immigration that caused people in Huizhou to engage in trading. The resources in Huizhou provided people with opportunities to do business. Under the influence of Confucianism and new thought, the businessmen took advantage of the traditional and new resources and found strong support for their business development.
Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences