本文在实地采访康白情亲友和查阅其相关资料的基础上 ,澄清了有关康白情生平介绍中最为关键的逝世时间、新诗集和新诗成就的评价、是否参加过“三K党”三个方面的问题 ,使人们能进一步正确评价新文学初期白话诗人中“成就最大”(胡适语 )的康白情。
Based on the interviews with Kang Bai-qing's relatives and close friends and the relevant literature data,this paper hopes to clarify three crucial points in his life story recorded in the past.Namely they are:the time of death ,his achievement in modern poetry and the corresponding evalution of him,his'membership'of Ku Klux Klan.Hence a proper appraisal of him is possible.According to scholar Hu Shi,Kang'scored the highest achievements'among the modern 'plain language'poets at the initial stage of the New Literature.
Journal of Neijiang Normal University