“教师口语”课是师范生的必修课 ,要重视对这门课程的建设。它的含义是广义的 ,它的教学是以训练为主线 ,由浅入深地进行。实践性强是“教师口语”课的最大特征 ,这决定了教师的授课应有较好的示范性 ,应坚持理论与实践相结合 ,课内外训练相结合 ,应有针对性。
Teachers Classroom Language'is an ob ligatory course for normal school students,which requires attaching importance t o.It enjoys profound connotation,its teaching based on the sequence o f trai ning from the easy to the difficult.The feature of this course lies in its prac ticality ,whic h requires teachers to play an exemplary role in class and adhere to the princip les of combining theory with practice,of training both in and out class,and o f teaching with definite purposes.
Journal of Neijiang Normal University