在由计划经济向社会主义市场经济转变过程中 ,行政责任出现严重缺位 ,导致行政效率低下。为了建立社会主义市场经济新秩序 ,必须重新构建行政责任体系 ,坚持体系严密、结构合理、标准明确、法规完备的目标取向 ,同时要加大责任追究和惩处力度 。
In the course of transferring from planned economy to market-oriented economy, administrative responsibility appears serious gap, which leads to lower administrative efficiency. In order to construct the new order of socialist market-oriented economy, we must reconstruct the administrative responsible system, maintain the aim orientation of thorough system, reasonable structure, definite administrative standard, complete regulafions, and we must reinforce the encertainment and punishment of responsibility so as to ensure responsibility restriction.
Journal of Xiangfan University