从南北朝时期开始 ,直到清朝为止的一千五百年左右的时间里 ,东北民族在中国北半部建立区域性政权 (北朝、辽、金 )和大一统政权 (元、清 )的时间长达七百五十年 ,占这段历史进程的二分之一。东北民族文化在与中原汉文化的碰撞和融合中成为中华文化不可或缺的重要组成部分 ,为中华文化多元互补历史格局增加了新的因子 ,促进了中华文化的整合、更新和发展。
Over the 1,500_odd years spanning from Southern and Northern Dynasties to Qing Dynasty, the northeast ethnic community had established successively various regional authorities and the central Qing government in the northern part of China for 750 years, which accounts for one half of the long historical period. In the course of conflict and integration with the Han culture in central China, the northeast ethnic culture has constituted an indispensable part of Chinese culture, thus having contributing to the multi_complementarity as well as the merger, renewal and development of Chinese culture.