文章论述华文文学的名称与定义 ,世界华文文学的版图及其拓展 ,不同时代的留学生文学 ,世界华文文学与中国传统文化的关系 ,世界华文文学多元文学中心 ,以及从世界华文文学到华人世界文学等诸多问题 ,但主要是响应汕头大学编写的《海外华文文学史》一书中所提出的两个重要观点。此书编写者说 ,正当中国某些标榜先锋的作家和学者热衷于在西方文化中淘金的时候 ,海外华文文学却正在悄悄地向中国传统文化回归 ,无论从内容到形式 ,从艺术构思到表现技巧 ,都体现了中国传统文化的特点。还说 :这种潮流还刚刚在兴起 ,但很快会变成一股热潮。这篇文章认为这样描述当前华文文学世界的状况失之偏颇。文章还认为此书编写者否认今天世界华文文学已经存在多元文学中心的观点是不对的。有志弘扬中华文化、推动华文文学在世界发展者都应该抛弃“中国 (精英 )中心”的过时观念 ,都应该支持并推动华文文学世界多元文学中心的出现和发展。
This paper discusses a number of issues: the name and definition of Huawen literature (literature written in Chinese and written not only in China but also the world over), the domain of Huawen literature, literature of overseas Chinese students during various periods, the relationship between Huawen literature and the traditional Chinese literature, the multiple centers of Huawen literature and Huawen literature as recognized by the world, but its major purpose is to challenge the two basic ideas of the four_volume book--History of Overseas Chinese Literature, which view Huawen literature in the present world as on the track back to traditional Chinese culture and negate the existence of its multiple literary centers outside the mainland of China.