美国华文作家少君的“网络文学”作品《人生自白》 ,源于生活、紧贴现实 ,内涵着较为丰富的信息量。作品以独具匠心的艺术视点 ,透视了徘徊于两种文化之间的“边缘人”和社会转型时期的芸芸众生 ,每一篇故事 ,都象一幅精细地绘就的画 。
The network novel 'Life Self_vindication' by Shao Jun, a Chinese writer in America, is close to social reality and fairly informative. The novel portrays in a unique manner 'the marginal people' wedged between two cultures and the common people in the transitional society. Each story in the novel unfolds itself like a well_wrought painting with delicate and remarkable artistic traits.