论述了制造系统的仿真与优化技术在规划中所起的巨大作用 ,提出了将工艺计划和生产计划的集成规划置于制造系统仿真的多级优化环境框架 ,并对仿真优化的目标进行层次分类 ,最后通过生产线系统设计实例 ,验证了本文的部分核心思想 ,为工程师进行产品制造规划提供了有力的前瞻性预测工具。
The greatest benefit of simulation & optimization technologies for virtual product manufacturing system during the planning procedure has been discussed in detail. A frame oriented to virtual product manufacturing has been proposed that the integration of process planing and production planing can be put into a multi-hierarchical optimization environment on the base of manufacturing system simulation. Through the analysis of a real manufacturing line case from automobile industry, the kernel idea of this paper has been partial illustrated. It is shown that these technologies can provide industry planners with a forceful tool and assist them to make an optimism decision before the actual manufacturing activities come into being.
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