报道了泡沫去污废液的水泥固化基础配方实验及其固化体性能研究的结果。通过水泥固化配方筛选试验 ,推荐固化体水灰比为 0 .3。其固化体物理性能和核素浸出性能分别为 :抗压强度 ,2 4 MPa;1 3 4 Cs、60 Co、2 3 8Pu在第 4 2 d的浸出率分别为 9.98× 1 0 - 4、4 .36× 1 0 - 6、1 .4 1× 1 0 - 7cm/ d。
The basic cementation formulation of FWL and performance of cement waste forms are presented in this paper. Test indicated that surfactant in FWL didn't much affect performance of cement wast forms, the recommended cementation formulation is 0.3(liquid cement ratio), compressive strength of the cement waste forms was higher than 24 MPa, leaching rate of 134 Cs and 60 Co for the cement waste forms was 9.98×10 -4 cm/d and 4.36×10 -6 cm/d in 42 d, according to national standard of waste management.
Radiation Protection Bulletin