The world capacity of BPA has exceeded 2. 7 million t/a. The combined capacity of the top five producers including GE, Shell, Bayer, Dow, Mitsui Chemical accounts for over 75% of the worlds total output. In 2000, among the domestic BPA producers, only Wuxi Petrochemical General Plant kept normal operation due to technical problems with the domestic BPA output being 11, 000 t/a. The net imports of BPA were 65,700 t in that year. If the imports of epoxy resin and polycarbonate were added and converted into BPA, the total imports were 309,000t. BPA is mainly used in the production of epoxy resin in China, and a small part is used in the production of polycarbonate, tetrabromobisphenol A, polysulfone, unsaturated polyester resin and etc.
Fine and Specialty Chemicals