本文从张乐进求及其王室家族入手 ,通过其禅位于蒙细奴逻、俎豆本主、张氏后裔等分析 ,认为张乐进求家世是白子国与南诏国政治、军事交替中重大历史进程的推动者 ,云南和白族历史上有过白子国 ,南诏国是在其基础上发展形成的观点。
Through a study of Zhanglejingqiou, king of the Baizi Kingdom, and his family history as well as his abdicating the throne to Mengxinulou, Zudou Benzhu, the descendents of the Zhang Family, this article concludes that there was such a kingdom in Yunnan history and in Bai history which led to the establishment of the Nanzhao Kingdom. It also points out that Zhanglejingqiou and his family were the important motivators during the political and military transitional period from the Baizi Kingdom to the Nanzhao Kingdom.
Journal of Yunnan University of the Nationalities(Social Sciences)