资本积累能力的蓄积与合理流向是一个国家或地区发生由传统向现代社会转型过渡的物质基础与动力。云南作为皇朝经济的边缘地区 ,清代中期以来便已形成与核心区域传统社会中农业为主的不同的产业结构模式 ,即矿业和农业共同构成云南的经济基础 ,成为区域资本积累的主要来源。但由于清代皇权对云南实行的经济统制制度 ,使其基本产业的剩余产品难于在区域内形成有效积累。直至 1840年之后 ,随着皇朝原有制度模式的松动 ,云南自我资本有效积累的能力才逐渐成长 ,并朝着较为合理的积累流向演化 ,但也因此造成云南地区直至 2 0世纪初期资本的积累规模与产业转换能力仍处于较低的能级水平。
The capital accumulation capacity and rational investment distribution is the material foundation and motive power of a country or a region during the transitional period from a traditional society to a modern one. As a border province, since the middle period of the Qing dynasty Yunnan had formed an industrial model different from the core areas where agriculture occupied a dominant position. Mining industry and agriculture coexisted and formed the economic foundation of Yunnan and were the main source of the local capital accumulation. Due to the controlled economic system practiced in Yunnan by the Qing Imperial Court, the main surplus products could not effectively accumulated in Yunnan. Since 1940, the existing economic system became a little more flexible and the capital accumulation capacity improved. Though a comparatively more rational accumulation of capital emerged, Yunnan still remained at a low level of capital accumulation and industrial transformation during the early 20th century.
Journal of Yunnan University of the Nationalities(Social Sciences)