滇越铁路是指云南昆明到越南河内的一条窄轨铁路 ,是法国侵略云南的见证 ,它的修建对云南近代政治经济、文化产生了巨大作用。本文通过对滇越铁路通车前后云南近代进出口贸易情况的对比 ,论述了滇越铁路的通车对云南近代进出口贸易的影响。
Yunnan-Vietnam Railroad is a narrow-gauge railroad from Kunming of China to Hanoi of Vietnam and is a living witness to the invasion of Yunnan by France in the past. This road has exerted great political, economical and cultural impacts on Yunnan in modern times. This article gives a comparative study of the different quantities of foreign trade before and after the construction of this road, and analyses its influence on the foreign trade of Yunnan in modern times.
Journal of Yunnan University of the Nationalities(Social Sciences)