21世纪是知识经济世纪 ,知识经济时代的到来一方面为中国现代化建设提供了难得的历史机遇和强大的动力与手段 ,使中国的现代化获得了一种新的目标体系和参照系统 ;但另一方面 ,知识经济又对中国现代化构成了严峻挑战 ,使中国现代化建设面临着工业化和知识化双重压力 ,国家的安全也受到了许多外部影响的威胁。面对知识经济的机遇和挑战 ,中国必须选择正确的现代化战略 ,其关键之处是全力实施好智力资源优先开发战略、科教兴国战略。
The 21 st century is a century of intellectual economy,which,on one hand,provides China with rare chance and strong motive force to develop,on the other hand,becomes a severe challenge to the Chinese modernization.Facing the intellectual economic chance and challenge,China must choose the right modern strategies,whose key point is to put all efforts into the following strategies:giving priority to develop the intellectual resource,building up the country on science and education,making innovation to knowledge,accomplishing informationization and continuous development.
Journal of Binzhou Teachers College