基于可持续发展的广东经济可计算一般均衡模型 (G CGE)把以时间折现率为度量的代际公平性纳入CGE框架 ,为研究广东经济增长与结构变化、经济政策制定与发展战略选择、外部冲击下的经济调整与战略决策提供有效的决策方法。研究内容为G CGE模型的行为结构、数据结构与求解研究。在市场经济体制下 ,这种方法优于线性规划、投入产出法。
The rate of time discount is brought into the framework of Guangdong Computable General Equilibrium Model on the base of sustainable development, in order to study Guangdong economic growth and structural changes, to make economic policy and choose the development strategy, to provide the efficient decision method of strategic decision and economic adjustment adapting to the strike from the outside world. The content of G CGE model concentrates on the behavior structure, data structure and the relative solutions. The approach is better than linear program approach and input-output approach in market economic system
Industrial Engineering Journal