目的 :观察果糖二磷酸钠 (FDP)与硝普钠合用治疗老年心力衰竭的疗效。方法 :将 73例老年心力衰竭病人分为FDP +硝普钠组 3 7例 ,给FDP5 .0 g,静脉滴注 ,bid× 7d ,硝普钠 12 .5~ 2 5mg·d- 1,以 2 5~ 5 0 μg·min- 1速度静脉滴注 ,qd× 7d ;硝普钠组 3 6例给硝普钠 ,用法同FDP +硝普纳组。结果 :总有效率FDP +硝普纳组为 81% ,硝普钠组为 75 % ,组间疗效比较 ,P <0 .0 5。 2组心功能参数均较治疗前高 ,FDP +硝普钠组的峰射血率、峰充盈率高于硝普钠组 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :FDP与硝普钠合用治疗老年心力衰竭疗效优于单用硝普钠 ,FDP有改善老年人心脏收缩和舒张功能的作用。
AIM: To observe efficacy of fructose sodium diphosphate (FDP) with sodium nitroprusside in treating elderly patients with heart failure. METHODS: Seventy three elderly patients with heart failure were divided into two groups. Group FDP+sodium nitroprusside of 37 patients (M 27, F 10; age 69 a± s 8 a) received FDP 5.0 g,iv, gtt bid, for 7 d, sodium nitroprusside 12.5~25 mg·d -1 , 25~50 μg·min -1 , iv,gtt qd,for 7 d. Group sodium nitroprsside of 36 patients (M 25, F 11; age 68 a±7 a) only received sodium nitroprusside. RESULTS: The total effective rates of group FDP+sodium nitroprusside and group sodium nitroprusside were 81% and 75%, respectively ( P <0.05). The parameters of heart function after treatment were significantly higher than that before treatment in two groups ( P <0.01). After treatment, the PER, PFR in group FDP+sodium nitroprusside were significantly higher than that in group sodium nitroprusside ( P <0.01). CONCLUSION: The therapeutic effect of FDP with sodium nitroprusside is higher than that of only sodium nitroprusside in treating elderly patients with heart failure. FDP, as the auxiliary drug can improve the systolic and diastolic function of heart in elderly patients with heart failure.
Chinese Journal of New Drugs and Clinical Remedies