研究了在自制简单的微量进样装置上 ,应用脉冲雾化技术火焰原子吸收法 ( PNT-FAAS)测定人耳微量全血中锌的分析方法。该法简便快速 ,每次测定只需采集耳血样品 2 5μl,具有操作简便、省样省时、灵敏度高和准确度好等优点 。
In this paper we studied a method to determination of zinc in micro whole blood samples from human's earlobe by pluse nebulization technique f'ame absorptiou spectrometry (PNT-FAAS)With a simple microsampling device which was made by ourselves.Sensitivity,precision,and accuracy of the method agree well with those of the conventional nebulization in FAAS,and were better thar those of chmical analysis.This method suit to determine the zinc of the micro whale blood amples from children's earlobe.
Studies of Trace Elements and Health