目的 探讨癌症患者中的血液流变学参数的改变。方法 测定 30例癌症患者的血液流变学的各项指标 ,并与正常人相比较。结果 癌症患者存在多项血液流变学指标异常 ,以血浆粘度和红细胞聚集指数较为明显。
Objective:To explore blood hemorheological changes in patients with cancer.Methods The blood hemorheological parameters were detected in 30 patients with cancer and 30 healthy persons as control.The statistic analysis were performed.Result Abnormal blood hemorheological parameters were found in patients with cancer,the plasma viscosity and aggregation index of red cell were significantly higher than that of control group.Conclusion The blood hemorheological parameter is a significant in the treatment of patients with cancer.
Chinese Journal of Hemorheology