目的 :研究大鼠幽门括约肌胆碱能神经元的特异性分布状态。方法 :采用 ACh E组织化学方法在冰冻切片和胃—幽门—十二指肠连续全层撕片上显示 ACh E阳性神经元成分。结果 :括约肌的解剖结构特异 ,于胃端侧与肠端侧括约肌肌层结构复杂 ,有较丰富的 ENS直接支配。括约肌的粘膜下层及肌层有富含胆碱能神经元的内源性小神经节和 ACh E阳性纤维网 ,尤以大弯侧最多。ACh E阳性神经丛的密度及丛内胞体数量 ,在与括约肌紧邻的胃和肠之间存在差异。结论
Objective: To investigate distribution of AChE-positive neurons in pyloric sphincter. Methods: Auerbach's myenteric plexus(AMP) and Meissner's submucos plexus(MSP) of pyloric sphincter were studiced by AChE histochemistry in cryostat section and whole-mount prepatation. Rusults: Anatomic structure of pyloric spincter is specific. There are large number of ENS in sphincter. There are AChE-positive neuronce between gaster and intestine next to sphincter in MSP and AMP of pyloric sphincter, large bent is the most. There is different in and plexus of AChE-positive, numbers of neuronal bodies. Conclusion: Specific distrbution of AChE positive neurons in pyloric sphinctermay be relevent to its specific function.