为了探讨内镜下激光激发自体荧光对食管癌和胃癌的诊断意义 ,采用 MJ- L F医用激光荧光快速诊断仪 ,测定人体食管癌及胃癌恶性肿瘤组织的荧光光谱 ,与胃、十二指肠溃疡病人和慢性浅表性胃炎病人对照研究。结果显示 :32例胃癌病人中有 2 5例在肿瘤组织可测到肿瘤特征峰 ,阳性率 78.1% ;15例食管癌病人有 11例其癌肿组织可测到肿瘤特征峰 ,阳性率 73.3%。二组平均阳性率 76 .6 %。而 110例胃、十二指肠溃疡病人及 116例慢性浅表性胃炎病人未能测到肿瘤特征峰。结论 :上消化道恶性肿瘤食管癌和胃癌病人内镜下的激光荧光光谱测定有 76 .6 %的病人在 6 30 nm和/或 6 90 nm波长处可测出肿瘤特征峰。
To study the value of laser induced fluorescence on the diagnosis of esophageal carcinoma and gastric cancer. Endoscopic laser induced fluorescence dianostic spectra were tested in 258 patients diagnosed by endoscopy and biopsy, including 32 gastric cancer, 15 esophageal carcinoma, 110 gastric and duodenal ulcer, and 116 chronic superficial gastritis. We found that characteristic peaks of autofluorescence in cancerous tissue were observed in 25 out of 32 patients with gastric cancer and 11 out of 15 patients with esophageal carcinoma. The positive rate were 78.1% and 73.3% respectively. The average postive rate of them was 76.6%. While no such peaks appear in the spectra of the corresponding patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers and patients with chronic superficial gastritis. The results of the present study show that autofluorescence spectra of patients with gastric cancer and esophageal carcinoma have characteristic peaks near 630 nm and 690 nm. It is claimed that this is a harmless, safe, simple, and fast procedure in the diagnosis of gastric cancer and esophageal carcinoma. From our experimental and clinical results, we believed that this charactristic fluorescence could be used as one of the criteria for cancer diagnosis.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology
Laser induced Fluorescence Carcinoma of esophagas Gastric cancer