目的:应用自旋标记电子顺磁共振(Spin label ESR)技术,探讨电磁脉冲对海马细胞膜流动性的影响。方法:用5-氮氧自由基硬脂酸(5-doxylstearic acid)掺入到原代培养的海马神经细胞膜类脂区,用场强为6×104V/m(脉冲上升时间为20ns,脉宽25μs)的电磁脉冲辐照2分钟后,观察电磁脉冲对序参数(S)旋转相关时间(τc)的影响。结果:电磁脉冲能改变膜脂的理化性质,膜脂序参数S值和旋转相关时间τc值都显著降低,说明膜的有序性有不同程度降低,膜流动性升高。结论:电磁脉冲辐照后可引起海马神经元细胞膜的损伤,表现为膜的有序性降低,膜流动性升高。
Objective: Spin-label electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy technique has been used to investigate the membrane fluidity changes of hippocampus neuron irradiated by EMP. Methods: The primary cultured hippocampus neuron spin labeled with 5-doxyl stearic acids (5-DS), and irradiated by electromagnetic pulse (EMP) simulator, which provides 2.5 pulses/ min with a high electric field intensity 60 kV/m, 20-nsec rise time and 25μs pulse wide, for two minutes. By measuring the order parameter(S), correlation time (tau) to examine the changes induced by EMP. Results: The experimental results show that EMP can produce significant effects on the order parameter(S), correlation time (tau) of 5-DS spin label. The both values of S and tau are significant decreased which can be inferred that the membrane fluidity is increased. Conclusion: The hippocampus neuron membrane can be damaged, which showed the decreased of the order and the increased of membrane fluidity, by EMP irradiating.
Chinese Journal of Medical Physics