目的 了解大学图书馆室内空气中细菌污染状况 ,并分析造成污染的可能因素。 方法 以沉降平板法进行室内空气细菌采样并分析细菌超标情况。 结果 细菌总数超标率为 2 0 89% ,书库比阅览室严重 ,旧书库超标高于新书库 ,不同时间细菌总数超标率不同 ,各项指标之间差异均有统计学意义 (P <0 0 5 )。 结论 影响图书馆室内空气中细菌超标的因素与室内人员活动。
Objective To study the bacterial pollution of indoor air in a university library,and analysed the factors that might cause pollution. Methods Bacteria in indoor air were sampled by fallen plate method,and the bacterial overstandard was analysed. Result The total overstandard rate was 20.89%.There were different rate in different rooms and different libray opening time. The rate of excess standard in bookstore and reading room were 27.90% and 8.33%, at 11:00 Am、2:00 Pm and 5:00Pm were 35.29%、5 88% and 41.17% respectively. The defforence in defferent rooms and time was signficant (P<0 05)。 Conclusion Bacterial pollution of indoor air in library was related with the ventilation,the lightnees and the people's active .
Practical Preventive Medicine