目的 探讨高通气综合征的有效疗法。方法 选择经Nijmegen问卷累积分诊断为高通气综合征患者计 37例。给予抗焦虑药及一般治疗的同时采用认知行为治疗 ,将能坚持认知行为治疗的 2 1例患者分为 (A组 ) ;未能按要求治疗及末采用认知行为治疗的患者 16例分为 (B组 ) ,对两组患者的治疗效果进行其疗效对比观察。结果 治疗 30天后 ,A组显效率5 2 .3 % ,总有效率 90 .5 % ,而B组显效率和总有效率分别为 18.8%、5 0 .0 %。A组疗效明显高于B组 ,显效率 (P <0 .0 5 )及总有效率 (P <0 .0 5 )均有显著性差异。
Objective To probe the effective way of hyper ventilation syndrome. Methods 37 cases of hyperventilation syndrome were diagn osed on the basis of mark of Nijmegen's list,the cases were divided into A and B groups.the subjects in group A(21cases) were treated with cognitive behavior th erapy and with anti-anxious drugs and usual management.The subjects in group B( 16cases),this cases were not treated with cognitive behavior therapy or stopped half way because other causes. Results Effective rate (P<0.05) an d general effective rate (P<0.05) is higher in A group than in B group after 30 days. Conclusion Cogniti ve behavior therapy is important for the treatment of hyperventilation syndrome.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science