目的 研究城乡社区人群的自杀死亡率及其在不同人群中的分布特征 ,探讨自杀死亡原因和自杀方式。方法 采用分层整群抽样方法 ,选择城乡 8个观察区 ,自 1988年至 1992年对其自杀死亡状况进行 5年前瞻性观察。结果 观察区 5年间≥ 15岁人群中共自杀死亡 42 3例 ,5年的逐年自杀死亡率分别为 10万分之 17.75、2 7.2 9、2 5 .2 6、18.31和 2 2 .96。年平均自杀死亡率为 10万分之 2 2 .32。主要自杀原因为家庭纠纷、失恋和精神疾病 ,主要自杀方式为服毒和自缢。结论 本观察区中的自杀死亡率、自杀原因和自杀方式与国内同类研究结果基本一致 。
Objective To inve stigate the suicide mor tality of the people living in urban and rural areas in Shandong province, and t o study the factors evoking suicide and the suicide methods. Methods 8 urban an d rural areas sampling form Shandong province were to be studied prospectively f rom 1988 to 1992. Results There are altogether 423 suici de cases among people aged 15 and above in 8 areas during 5 years. Each year's mortality of suicide is 17.75, 27.29, 25.26, 18.31 and 22.96 per 100000 persons. The main causes are family disputes (58.87%), being disappointed in a love affair (11.35%) and ment al disease (9.22%). The main suicide methods are taking poison (61.94%) and hang themselves (27.90%). Conclusion The results of suicide m ortality, evoking fact ors, and suicide methods were no obvious difference between this study and other relative studies in our country. Compared with other countries and areas the le vel of suicide mortality in this study is in the middle or above.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science
Mortality of suicide