目的 :研究丝裂霉素在3种不同 pH溶液中的配伍稳定性。方法 :观察配伍后外观变化及用紫外分光光度法测定丝裂霉素配伍后含量的变化 ,用 pH计测定配伍前后溶液的 pH值,并进行配伍稳定性加速实验。结果 :丝裂霉素在pH6.47、pH8.8、pH9.2溶液中25℃时t0.9 分别是74h、371h及552h。在这3种溶液中丝裂霉素在室温8h内其含量大于90 %。结论 :丝裂霉素在pH6.47~9.2溶液中室温下是稳定的 。
Objective: To study the stability of mitomyxin C in three different pH solutions. Methods: The contents of mitomyxin C in these solutions were determined by UV spectrophotometer and pH values were determined with a pH meter. Results: Accelerating test show that the t 0.9(25℃)of mitomyxin C in the solutions of pH 6.47, pH8.8 and pH 9.2 were 74 hours 371 hours and 552 hours respectively. The contents of mitomyxin C in the three solutions were all over 90% for 8 hours. Conclusion: Mitomyxin C was stable in pH6.47~9.2 solutions. The stability of mitomyxin C in acid solution was lower than in basic solution at room temperature.
Journal of Tianjin Medical University