概略介绍了中—新元古代罗迪尼亚和冈瓦纳超大陆研究工作取得的主要进展 ,简要总结了中国中部年轻造山带和相邻克拉通区新元古代早期陆块汇聚和嗣后所发生的裂解地质记录的特征和时代 ,指出中国新元古代重大热构造事件所发生的时间滞后于北美格林威尔造山运动 ,二者不是同一时代。同时根据中国西部已获得的不少 60 0~ 5 0 0Ma之间的同位素年代学信息 ,强调不应忽视泛非期超大陆事件对我国西部地区的影响。在研究中国大陆新元古代地质时 ,应通过比较大地构造地质学的研究 ,立足于中国的实际 ,重视全球构造研究 。
Main advances in research on Rodinia and Gondwanaland supercontinents are introduced in this paper.Meanwhile,the characteristics and ages of assembly and breakup records of the Neoproterozoic in the Central Orogen and adjacent areas of China are also reviewed.The isotopic data of assembly records are concentrated between 1.0 and 0.85 Ga in these areas.However,the breakup events took place at the period near or a little later than 0.8Ga.Based on present geological and geochronology data,the ages of late\|Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic major thermo\|tectonic events in China are obviously younger than that of Grenville orogeny in the North American.Some geochronology data between 600~500Ma have been measured in the Northwestern China,so it is noteworthy that 'Are there any responses for the Pan\|African Orogeny in the study areas?'The author points out that when we study supercontinents,we should not only pay attention to global tectonics,but also to Chinese continental geology all the more.
Earth Science Frontiers
国家自然科学基金委员会重点项目 ( 40 0 32 0 10 C)
中国地质调查综合研究资助项目 ( 2 0 0 11390 0 0 70 )