本文以人力资本的产权特征为逻辑主线 ,着重剖析了高技术企业中掌握核心技术的高管人员的人力资本对企业治理结构和绩效的特殊影响 ,并结合我国高技术企业中技术资本和人力资本产权化现状 ,提出要通过人力资本产权文化的培育 ,建立人力资本评价体系 ,完善人力资本产权化的法律法规等 ,让人力资本从不同方面进入高技术企业的制度安排 ;通过强化科技成果界定的科学性 ,扩大无形资产评估的范围 ,推行无形资产界定的契约化、市场化 ,以实现技术资本产权主体的激励与约束 ;通过创业板的设立 ,解决风险资本的退出问题 ,加速风险资本的积累 ,为高技术企业的发展提供金融支持。
With the characteristics of property right as a logical thread,this paper analyses the special influence of human capital,namely,the senior managerial personnel who masters the “core”technology in a hi-tech enterprise,on the structure and effect of business administration.And,in the light of the current situation of China's technology and human capital propertification,this paper also advances that,through the cultivation with property right culture, an assessment system of human capital should be set up so as to perfect the laws and codes on human capital propertification and allow human capital to get into the institutional arrangement of hi-tech enterprises from various aspects; by intensifying scientism of authenticating scientific payoffs, and expanding the scope of intangible assets assessment, the contractualization and marketability should be carried out so as to realize the encouragement and restriction of technology capital equity principal; by establishing a pioneering work section, the problem of risk capital withdrawal will be settled and the accumulation of risk capital speeded up so as to financially support the development of hi-tech enterprises.
Modern Economic Science