今年 2月 19日 ,我国改变了B股市场只对外国投资者开放的政策 ,允许境内居民进入B股市场。这一重大决策在广大境内外投资者、各家券商以及众多专家学者中引起了强烈的反响。B股市场缘何开放 ?本文对此进行了分析 ,指出恢复B股市场活力、有效利用我国居民外汇储蓄及实现我国证券市场国际化是B股市场对内开放的三个根本原因。
On February 19th,2001,China has set to allow mainland investors to trade B shares,which was previously reserved for foreign investors since its debut a decade ago.This policy has brought great impact on investors home and abroad,securities dealers as well as scholars.Why the B share market opens to domestic investors?This paper mainly focused on this question and has given three reasons for the opening policy:first,to activate B share market;second,to take full advantage of inhabitants' saving;and third,to help promote the internationalization of China's securities market.
East China Economic Management