我国人力资源丰富 ,就业压力大 ,解决的办法有 :发展适当比例的劳动密集型产业 ,增加就业人员 ;改革现行的教育模式 ,提高人力资源质量 ,设法延缓人力资源过剩带来的压力 ;向外转移劳动力人口 ,西部大开发提供了一个极好的劳动力资源内部转移的机会。
The high population has caused great pressure in employment.The solutions are developing a certain rate industrial in great number so as to increase employment,reform the present educational mode,improving the quality of human resources,manage to delay the pressure of overpopulation;and shift labor forces to external,etc.The Great Exploration of the West offers a perfect chance of internal labor force transference.
East China Economic Management