目的 进一步探讨肾上腺髓质增生症的手术方法。 方法 肾上腺髓质增生患者 8例 ,手术分离并结扎肾上腺下、内侧血管 ,使肾上腺上组血管形成 5 0~ 6 0cm的蒂 ,自第 11肋间拉至背部皮下 ,以带蒂肾上腺背部皮下移位术治疗。结果 术后 8例均获得随访 ,随访时间 6个月~ 4年 ,平均 2年 ,除 1例患者伴有神经官能症 ,症状未减 ,余 7例血压及内分泌检查皆恢复正常。 结论带蒂肾上腺背部皮下移位术治疗髓质增生 ,操作简单 ,疗效满意。
Objective To investigate the op erative modes for adrenal medullary hyperplasia. Methods 8 cases of adrenal medullary hyperplasia were treated with transposi tion of pedicled adrenal gland. The inferior and the medial blood vessel of adre nal gland were ligated. The superior blood vessel of adrenal gland was formed a 50~60 cm pedicle and dragged to the subcutaneous of dorsum. Result After follow-up for an average of 2 years, only 1 of the 8 patients did not recover as a result of psychosis and others had no sympto ms but normal endocrine results. Conclusion Tr ansposition of the pedicled adrenal gland is a simple and satisfied way to treat patients with adrenal medullary hyperplasia.
Chinese Journal of Surgery