
肿瘤患儿血管通道装置的选择和应用 被引量:1

The choice and application of the port device implanted central venous in children with various tumors
摘要 为开展化疗泵在儿童肿瘤病例的临床应用,对18例恶性肿瘤患儿分别经颈外静脉和颈内静脉置管经皮下隧道于侧胸壁皮下埋置化疗泵。目前18例中1例已化疗结束,17例仍在经泵化疗中,18例患儿总计带泵2241天,经泵化疗375天。术后无气胸、无气栓形成及局部出血,无术后血流感染,无血栓形成及管腔闭塞。提示在诸多血管通道装置中,化疗泵对于儿童病例更为适合。颈外静脉切开置管在婴幼儿病例是一种安全可靠的途径;全麻下操作、颈外静脉切开插管、术后管理和操作的规范化是预防和减少术后并发症的重要因素。 To explore the clinical application of the port device implanted central venous in children with various tumors .in whom long-term chemotherapy were required,the port catheter was inserted in 18 children with tumor via either external or internal jugular vein, the port reservoir was then implanted in the subcutaneous space of the lateral chest wall,and the catheter and reservoir was connected through a subcutaneous tunnel created during surgery. The results showed that there was a total of 2241 days with the port device in all 18 cases including 375 days of chemotherapy through the port device. No any postoperative and clinical complications were found in all cases with the port device implanted. It is concluded that the port device is more valuable for children who need a long-term chemotherapy intravenously compared with other invasive central venous access devices. The section of external jugular vein for implanting the port catheter is safe and effect in young children.The standard procedure should be emphasized in the implantation of the port catheter into external jugular vein,the operation under general anesthesia and postoperative management, that will be important for the prevention and decrease of postoperative complications.
出处 《临床儿科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期224-225,共2页 Journal of Clinical Pediatrics
关键词 血管通道装置 化疗泵 儿童 肿瘤 化疗 central venous access devices port device children tumor chemotherapy
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