目的 探讨硝酸钇对大鼠血象的影响。方法 4 8只雄性昆明种大鼠随机分成对照组和三个暴露组 ,暴露组分别给予 70 mg/ kg、14 mg/ kg和 2 .8mg/ kg硝酸钇溶液 ,对照组给予蒸馏水 ,腹腔注射每周两次 ,连续 6周后观察暴露组和对照组血象差异。结果 红细胞计数 ,白细胞计数 ,血小板计数 ,血红蛋白含量和凝血时间暴露组和对照组差异均无显著性 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,70 mg/ kg和 14 mg/ kg组暴露 6周后淋巴细胞均低于对照组 ,而嗜中性粒细胞均高于对照组且差异均有显著性 (P<0 .0 5 )。
Objective To explore the effects of yttrium nitrate on hemogram in rats Methods 48 rats were randomly divided into 4 groups,such as one control group treated with distilled water and 3 exposure groups treated with 70 mg/kg,14 mg/kg and 2 8 mg/kg yttrium nitrate via peritoneal injection twice a week for 6 weeks.After the continous 6 week exposure,the differences of hemogram between control group and exposure groups were observed Results No significant differences were observed in the counts of red blood cells,white blood cells and platelets,the contents of hemoglobulin and coagulation times between control group and each exposure group( P<0 05 ) Only the significantly lower percentages of lymphocytes and higher percentages of neutrophils were observed in 70 mg/kg dose group and 14 mg/kg dose group compared with those of control group( P<0 05 ) Conclusion Effects of yttrium nitrate on hemogram in rats were not significant
Journal of Environment and Health