目的 探索一种科学、实用、规范且适合我国公共场所环境质量的综合评价方法。方法 对太原市 6家旅店和唐山市 7家旅店的温度、CO2 、CO、细菌总数、照度分别采用姚志麒法、Nemerow指数法、等质降级法和密切值法进行综合评价 ,并分析了评价结果的一致性和差异。结果 四种评价方法的结果均有良好的一致性 (rs=0 .6 0 0~ 0 .971,P<0 .0 5 ) ,只有姚志麒法和等质降级法之间差异有显著性 (P<0 .0 5 )。结论 等质降级法计算简便、实用 ,能客观反映公共场所环境质量 ,是一种较好的综合评价方法 。
Objective To find out a scientific,practical,standard method suitable for comprehensive assessment on environmental quality of public places in China Methods The data on the indoor temperature,the concentrations of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide,the total count of bacteria and illumination collected from 6 hotels of Taiyuan and 7 hotels of Tangshan were comprehensively assessed by using YAO Zhi qi index,Nemerow Index,Equal Quality Demotion Method and Osculation Value Method respectively.The identity and difference of this assessment results obtained by four methods were compared and analyzed at last Results This assessment results of four methods revealed better identity ( r s=0 600~0.971,P<0 05 ) The only difference of the assessment results was found between YAO Zhi qi index and Equal Quality Demotion Method( P<0 05 ). Conclusion The Equal Demotion Method could objectively reflect the actural environmental quality of public places and was easy to calculate and practicable.It could be used as a better method for comprehensive assessment,but some respects still needed to be improved further
Journal of Environment and Health