综观国际上实施利率市场化改革的经验和教训 ,不难看到虽然利率市场化是提高金融系统效率和效益的必要途径 ,然而它也将给该国的经济、金融系统带来许多严重的风险。我国目前正加紧利率市场化改革步伐 ,为使改革顺利进行、减轻负面影响 ,研究和探讨防范和管理利率市场化时期的风险的方法和途径应是我们面临的迫切任务。本文将利用保险理论中风险管理的思想 ,来分析、研究这类风险的管理与防范 ,希望能起到抛砖引玉的作用。
The experiences and lessons from those countries that carried out a policy deregulating the interest rate indicated that such deregulation improved a lot the economic efficiency of financial institutions on the one hand,and gave a rise to a number of risks for the economy and financial institutions on the other.the deregulation of interest rate is on its way in our country.It is necessary for us to explore the techniques and ways with which we can reduce the risks involved in such a deregulation in order to facilitate the economic reform and minimize its negatives.The paper analyzes and studies the risk managing and diversifying involved in the reforming process by using the risk management in insurance theory.
Research On Financial and Economic Issues